Popcorn time real website
Popcorn time real website

Other examples from this series of predictions included "mood tuning" products, such as clothing infused with "neuro-chemicals" to enhance confidence or mental acuity, and demand for exercising "brain fitness", possibly manifesting itself in "brain trainers" to exercise recall or "retort coaches" to help people sharpen their wit. In a series of nine 2006 predictions of major trends, she forecast a cultural trend toward more physical contact, including "mechanized hugging booths." She also said that "second hand nostalgia" would become a trend and that advances in genetics might allow people to custom design pets with bits of their own DNA so their dogs and cats resembled them. It also analyzes newspapers, magazine and other sources, and conducts thousands of consumer interviews to spot future trends. Her company created a "TalentBank" of 10,000 experts who provide forecasts about trends across many topics. She coined terms like " Cocooning" ("the impulse to stay inside when the outside gets too tough and scary", such as turning a home into a nest) and "Cashing Out" ("the impulse to change one's life to a slower and more rewarding pace", sometimes manifested by people who quit corporate jobs). Popcorn is reported to have advised Coca-Cola, in 1981, to go into bottled water and to have told Kodak in the late 1980s to go into digital instead of print. It works with companies to identify future trends that will affect their business. Īfter working in advertising for eight years, she founded the marketing consulting firm BrainReserve in 1974.

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Accepted into NYU Law School, she decided instead to go into advertising in the early 1970s, which she said she considered to be more glamorous. She attended the High School of Performing Arts in New York City, followed by New York University. She has written three best selling books: The Popcorn Report (1991), Clicking (1996), and EVEolution (2000).īorn as Faith Plotkin, she later legally changed her name to "Faith Popcorn." She was born in New York City, where both of her parents were lawyers and spent her early childhood in Shanghai before returning to the United States. Clicking, EVEolution, The Dictionary of the Futureįaith Popcorn (born Faith Plotkin, May 11, 1943) is a futurist, author, and founder and CEO of marketing consulting firm BrainReserve.

Popcorn time real website